Episode 3- Classics or New Age Romantics?

My teachers have always advised me to read classics as according to them, if you want to improve or learn something then its the classics that are important. They call New Age Romantics a crap because they think all they have to talk about is, love story, breakups, patch ups, sexual content and many more. Follow This post and stay tuned..:)

My teachers have always advised me to read classics as according to them, if you want to improve or learn something then its the classics that are important. They call New Age Romantics a crap because they think all they have to talk about is, love story, breakups, patch ups, sexual content and many more.

I am not challenging my teachers because I respect my teachers a lot but I always have one question that hovers over my mind. It is big confusion time for me as I belong to a group of New Age Romantics while my teachers belong to a time where they have read only classics. So for them this simple, cool hi-fi language is not appropriate. They don’t approve of the slangs used these days. I was talking about the question so I shall come to that.

I feel that what these mind blowing classicists like

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