Book Review of The Mind Game

The Mind Game by Devika Das is a self help book. This book refreshens your mind and give you positive vibes. In short it is a guide book for all type of people who wants to be happy, rich and successful. Although, I have read many self help books but this book not only motivates you but gives you so much strength that you surely start implementing those things in your life. This book serves as a mentor in your life and change your though process somewhere.



The cover of the book is simple and to the point. We can notice some brain nerves interconnected. The cover doesn’t have much significance as I feel the author focussed on her views to be read and implemented, not the cover. So, those who judge the book by cover might not like it.

The title is crystal clear as the author wants to tell us some of the mantras that can shape our life. Henceforth, she came up with The Mind Game.

Honestly speaking, I have never heard of Pepper Script publishers but when I read this book, I just fell in love with the quality of the book, the fine pages and the amazing typesetting along with mind blowing editing.

Crests and troughs, ups and downs, joys and sorrows are a part of everyone’s lives. While many choose to simply succumb to bad times, the winner is the one who remains strong, successfully wades off negativity and rises, unbound. All of us, at some point in time, have experienced situations involving emotional outbursts where we have, albeit unknowingly, hurt others or even our own self and have only ended up regretting our actions. Wouldn’t it be great if we could somehow become mindful of our current emotional state and maintain equilibrium in our personal and professional lives? Moreover, mindfulness helps us realise what we really want from life. It helps us to first think, then act and not vice-versa. The Mind Game is a self-improvement guide that talks about how to manage emotions wisely and lead a powerful, but stress-free life.

Devika clearly knows the knack of structurising her thoughts. She has beautifully divided the book into Six sections which gives us a clearer glimpse of her thoughts. The sections include:

Section A- Mastering your emotions.

B- Simple Living… High Thinking

C- Analyzing People

D- Secret of True Happiness

E- Manage Your Anger Creatively

F- A Happy Workplace- The Secret of a Long, Successful Career.

As you can guess from the chapter names, the book is an amalgam of various elements that altogether reports to the effective working of the brain.

The chapters are short and one doesn’t get bored while reading them. Some of the facts are known to us but often we don’t use those facts in our life. So, through Devika we get to relive those thought processes.

Devika’s thoughts are based on high research on philosophy, business studies, science etc. The way she delineates her philosophic thoughts is impeccable. Her guides, thoughts reminds me of Robin Sharma, Napolean Hill.

The language used by the author is simple, easy and lucid. She even follows pithy style of writing. She fabulously connects with the readers as a friend and gives her valuable thoughts. The mesmerising thoughts at the start of every chapter makes it relatable. This book is a must read and I am sure you will end up following some of the sections religiously. I am following Section A and Section E staunchly. Thankyou Devika for motivating us.

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