Book Review of Wild Card

Wild Card by Asfiya Rahman is an inspirational story. This book has a new set of emotions and I am sure sports lovers especially Tennis ones would just end up loving this. I Like Tennis so I just couldn’t control myself of reading this book.


The cover is beautiful and mesmerising. It is green coloured and soothes your mind. It reminds you of greenary and then a tennis racket is there which clears everything.

The title is straight to the point and the whole story revolves around it. It even reminds us of those wild card entries that we see in reality shows and here something like this happens. The title reveals major part of the story but this we realise once we start reading the book.

The plot of the novel is crisp and it surely catches our attention. We are hooked till the end. The story revolves around a tennis player, Karan Mehrotra who leaves his sports career for the sake of his daughter, Roshni. He us madly in love with Riya but will her absence make him come out of the trauma? Or will Roshni’s love bring him back to the love of his life, Tennis? Wild Card is story of a husband, a father who wants to prove himself, who is not fighting for himself but for his daughter.

Karan Mehrotra is a famous tennis player who is madly in love with his wife Riya and Tennis. Life takes a different turn when Riya dies leaving their newly born baby, Roshni who can’t walk on her own. He is a caring father as well as a husband but this tragedy of his life changes him forever.

Roshni is the sweetest daughter one can ever ask for. The way the author has delineated her character is mind blowing. It is really difficult to comprehend the psychology of a child. SHe loves her father and with the zeal she wants to know more about her dad is impeccable. SHe becomes the pillar of her father’s life.

The style of writing is poignant and lucid. The use of flashbacks and the present makes it amazing. The use of stream of consciousness sometimes leave the reader awestruck. This book is about a beautiful relationship between a father and a daughter. The tennis part is inspirational and this book deserves tobe converted into a movie.

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A Heartwarming Session with Sameer Kumar

Hello lovelies,

It is been a while since I updated any interview. So, here it is.. Today I am interviewing Sameer Kumar, the author of The Origin of Martin Krooger. Lets get connected :

When did writing entered your life?

It entered in class 5 when I wrote a small story and showed it to a friend. She said its very bad.That increased my determination to write something worthwhile.

What all struggles you faced while writing The Origin of Martin Krooger?

I was poor at english so I never had faith on my work. Additionally ,  I have never read a novel so did not know what a novel demands. Study was the first priority at home so got very less time to write. People laughed that I thought of becoming an engineer but became a writer. Apparently , Job matters more than these in the social world.

From where you got the idea of Martin Krooger?


When I used to study in school ,  pogo channel aired children movies . Also cartoon network aired many movies. We as children were given to watch tv only while we ate. So after the food,  I was left to imagine the later phase of cartoon. Then I thought why not to write one and martin Krooger took birth.

It is not a cake walk to find a publisher? How you landed up with Half Baked Beans?

Honestly , I did not expect any publisher liking my work because of the genre. Its fantasy. There are very fewFantasy publishers in India. I sent my piece to all publishers but with failure. Then through Facebook, I came across Their Ad and the rest is history.

How was your experience with Half Baked Beans? What have you learnt from them?

The world is cruel for first time authors. Hbb made my first step very smooth and gave me chance to learn all that was Needed to get into the market.

Is there any genre which you haven’t tried, but want to? Why you want to try that genre?

This novel is a culmination of romance , thrill,  SciFi and fantasy. I would love to write a detective piece because I feel deeply involved in a good detective story.

How did your audience took your book?

So far I am honoured with the response. I still remember my first reviewer was Sarath Babu. I was so scared that day because it was the first time someone was critically examining my piece. When he gave me a 5 star I was like , did he give a 5 star to me. Literally, I celebrated that day with chicken dun biryani and a coke.

Where do you see yourself in next 5 years?

I won’t lie but surely a bench mark maker. I have tried a western fantasy in india. I know it will rock. If 5 years given to me well I will have a name which debutant authors will look up to.

How far you agree to this that role models are important in life? Do you have any role model?

I agree and disagree.  I have no role model in writing. I have never read any piece. Most of my works are like movies because I have watched many . My role models are my life,  my father,  mother, my love, and M. S. DHONI.

Any special message for the readers?

My message is simple and clear. 90%of people will laugh at you. They have been sent on earth to laugh at others and they are doing their job with utmost respect. You have been sent o earth to live ur dreams. Are you following ur dream with Utmost respect ?

Author’s Bio


My name is Sameer Kumar. I am manager at Tata Steel from 8 am to 6 pm and then I am an author. I have done Mechanical engineering from Bit Sindri. I did my schooling at The Pentecostal Assembly School. My hobbies are to watch movies,  eat and make new friends. My favorite films are The wolf of wall street and YES man. These movies Have really shaped my life. I love to appreciate live. Its just one but we don’t understand it.My aim to be famous so that when I walk on street people ask me for selfies. Well,  I know that’s premature for a writer But it’s the child inside me that wants this and I want to keep him alive. I love spending time with my family because That’s a God gift.Last but not the least I love living.

P.S – Review of The Origin of Martin Krooger-